In industrial production, technical gases are as important as water and electricity. Their specific properties and the way in which they are used ensure greater efficiency, safety and cost-effectiveness in many processes. Industrial gases also play a crucial role in terms of product quality.
Technical gases used in welding
In welding technology, there are more than 100 different welding processes (according to European standard DIN EN 4063). Messer sells its shielding gas in a clear structure under brand names that are consistent across the group and based on treated base materials.
Ferroline - for plain and low-alloy steels
Inoxline – for high-alloy steels
Aluline – for aluminium and non-ferrous metals
Addline – for additive manufacturing of metals
Acetylene is a high-performance fuel gas traditionally produced by the reaction of calcium carbide with water.2 phản ứng với nước.
The range of applications for acetylene is enormous: It is used in oxyfuel technology, welding and cutting, as well as in flame blasting, flame spraying, flame straightening or gouging.
The most important chemical property of argon is its inertness. This makes argon an ideal shielding gas - even at high temperatures, as are common in metallurgy and arc welding.
Cacbon dioxide
The special properties of carbon dioxide include its inertness and high solubility in water. Carbon dioxide gives beverages their sparkling freshness, helps in drinking water treatment and offers an alternative to aggressive acids in waste water neutralization. In cryogenic form, CO2 becomes dry ice, which is suitable as a refrigerant or cleaning medium for dry ice blasting.
Due to its special properties, the noble gas helium is indispensable for many applications, such as superconductivity, as a buoyancy gas for balloons and airships, as a shielding gas for welding, as a tracer gas for leak detection or as a carrier gas in gas chromatography.
The most important property of oxygen is its reactivity. There are only a few elements with which oxygen does not combine. Oxidation and combustion processes occur much faster in an atmosphere enriched with oxygen than in air. Due to this property, oxygen is indispensable for the metabolism of many organisms, which is why it is used for numerous applications in water treatment and environmental technology.
In industry and research, nitrogen is used as a refrigerant or inert gas. After use it returns unchanged into the atmosphere.
For a long time, hydrogen was used primarily as a fuel gas for special applications, as a protective gas in heat treatment, and as a cooling gas. By far the largest proportion of hydrogen, however, was required for the synthesis of ammonia and methanol. The chemical industry also uses it for numerous hydrogenation processes. Today, green hydrogen produced with the help of renewable energies is considered an important lever for decarbonizing industry and mobility.
For detailed information on the gas portfolio provided by Messer please see here
To find out more information about other gases at Messer, please contact the information below:
North of Vietnam: Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Diep
Tel: 0966852698
Central of Vietnam: Mr. Le Thien Tin
Tel: 0989244944
South of Vietnam: Mr. Nano Tran Hoang Nghia
Tel: 0909592599
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