For processors, this demand increase means they’ve got to increase production without increasing overall operating costs. But the cooking required to get the foods ready for consumers to heat and eat also requires processors to rapidly cool it down prior to packaging.
Most sauces, purees, soups and stews are typically cooked in steam jacketed kettles. Once cooked, they must be chilled to meet food safety time and temperature requirements.
Reducing food temperatures from near 200 F to below 40 F can take hours – a significant productivity slowdown. In many cases, processors are faced with a choice: lost productivity, or incurring significant capital costs for additional equipment – but that’s only if they have the available floorspace.
For most processors, typical cooling methods include:
The trouble with these methods is that they can be very expensive, or can limit production due to the length of chilling time required or the difficulty of cleaning the equipment.
A newly available technology uses a direct injection of cryogenic gases for rapid, in-process cooling. Sauces or soups that have a fairly uniform consistency can be chilled inline with liquid nitrogen as they are pumped from the cooking kettle into the chill kettle.
If the product has chunks, or is highly viscous, another option would be to cool in the cooking kettle itself.
The inline cooling approach is ideal for:
It offers seven main benefits:
Once the temperature has been lowered, cryogenics (liquid nitrogen in this case) can also be used to freeze these products in portion controlled pellets, helping processors get more mileage out of an installed system.
If you want to learn more about the food safety and the use of cryogenics in food processing plants, click the image below:
North of Vietnam: Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Diep
Tel: 0966852698
Central of Vietnam: Mr. Le Thien Tin
Tel: 0989244944
South of Vietnam: Mr. Nano Tran Hoang Nghia
Tel: 0909592599
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